The Bahraini Parliament doesn't like witchesParliament'due south session was actually halted yesterday due to our illustrious MPs inbound into a heated argument with the Government minister of Justice. Normal in parliamentary circles one might await, yeah I know, just in which parliament in the world worth its salt actually waste an already shortened term with discussing laws criminalising sorcery and witchcraft?

None, I am sure.

The minister rightly suggested that these things – if nowadays – should be treated as fraud and as that was already covered in legislation, and so no other specific amendments to the Penal Lawmaking is really necessary. But they wouldn't listen. To them, other than nigh labelling the good minister every bit a heretic, this subject is of the highest importance and should non be trifled with.

Shaikh Khalid asked MPs what would judges do to solidify the sorcery or witchcraft crimes.

â€Å"Exercise they bring in leprechauns (actually he said 'jinn' just the GDN used its poetic license) or ask them to testify that their aid was asked by a sorcerer or witch?” he said.

Angered by the comments, Mr Busandal said that such acts were against Islamic Shariat and that the minister was not taking the effect seriously.

â€Å"Such acts are serious Islamic violations, but the minister wants us to forget the constabulary and throw it out,” he said.

Oh I don't know.. I wouldn't throw information technology out if I were them because I would never have brought such asinine, time wasting, ludicrous legislation to the flooring, but that'southward me. They, of grade, fancy themselves as the truthful defenders of the faith; hence, these matters are of the utmost importance. I wonder if these morons really put on particularly designed blinkers every morning before leaving their houses along with their Rolex watches and Mont Blanc pens, because like the remainder of Bahrain, I am yet balked at their one-track minds.

Some of them slander whole institutions without missing a beat, just to testify their absurd points. Take the effervescent Satanwala for case, while they were approving yet another bill that would ban the sale and consumption of booze, this fourth dimension in clubs and societies, he goes on:

MP Mohammed Khalid Mohammed said that not only expatriate clubs were serving and allowing alcohol, but also the Bahraini clubs.

â€Å"The biggest example is the Alumni Club, whose members are always seen drinking within and gambling, as if they were in a casino,” said Mr Mohammed.

I'm non sure how a 'respected Muslim admirer' knows what a casino looks like, other than he might have frequented them on other occasions in his life, just to him, an baronial institution which contributed profoundly to the evolution of Bahraini society is a degenerate infinite of drink and immoderacy.

Another in parliament who actually owns an institution which some classified every bit a boozing den and a brothel and rented that establishment out before taking his seat in parliament, now slanders whole countries!

MP Adel Al Asoomi said that the Ethiopian Club in his constituency in Hoora was a big case of premises being used for immoral and indecent acts.

â€Å"They (club members) are renting a flat as a social club premises, and they have a pool tabular array inside, just as a cover for their prostitution activities,” he claimed.

â€Å"The surrounding area effectually the guild looks like Addis Ababa (Ethiopia’s capital) during their functions and nigh of the time people who are not Ethiopians are seen going to the club.”

And being notwithstanding some other defender of the religion (hah! hold your laughter!) of course he took information technology upon himself to "clean" his territory – sorry, constituency – from competition – ooops, pitiful again, I mean "immoral and indecent acts" equally he rode on the wave of (dishing out dosh while campaigning?) decency past going on a prostitute hunt which impressed the police themselves whom his posse outshone in the methods he chose to employ!

Well, this hilarity will unfortunately be suspended from next calendar week for five months. Parliament is going on summer holidays. But who knows, possibly we will detect some of our hard working MPs going on "discovery" and "fact finding" trips to some of the earth's casinos, bars and voodoo dens, non to partake of what would exist on offer there, of course.

When is the next election again?